00:00 / 00:00
    00:00  Select the Question button on the Home tab in the ribbon.
    00:03  Scroll to the bottom of the Rapid panel and select Fill in Blanks (inline).
    00:06  This new Question Page can be used as a scored Assessment question or as a non-scored Practice page. 

    For this example we will add it as a scored Assessment question.

    Select As Question.

    00:09  A placeholder element is added to the page. You can create a new Fill In The Blanks Question or Insert an existing one from your Project.

    For this example we will create a new one. Select Create a New Fill In The Blanks Question.

    00:12  Select the Heading text box to add a heading for your question.

    For this example, we will add the text for you.

    00:15  You can now style your Heading text if you would like.

    Select the Text Editor button in the Heading area.
    00:18  Select the heading text.

    The mini formatting tool bar appears with several formatting options.

    For this example we will apply a Project Style to our text. Select the Styles button on the mini toolbar.

    00:24  For this example we will use the Heading 1 style. 

    Select Heading 1.

    00:27  Select the Ok button.

    Select the Question Body text box to add your question.

    For this example, we will add one for you.

    For this example, select the number "2".
    00:36  Select the Mark Selected as Choice button.
    00:39  Select the Next button.
    00:42  We will now add another Correct Value for the blank space.

    Select Add Another Correct Value.
    00:45  Select the text input field to type in a value.

    For this example, we will add the text for you.
    00:48  Select the Next button.
    00:51  Select the Open Question Feedback button.

    If you'd prefer to input custom feedback for your question, deselect Use Project Default? and input your own text into the Correct and Incorrect fields.

    For this example we will use the Project Default Feedback.

    Select the Done button.

    00:57  Select the Done button to complete your question.
    01:00  Select the Options tab.
    01:03  On the Options tab you can set the number of attempts the learner gets to answer the question, choose to show the Feedback or not as well as add a variable.

    For this example, we will leave the defaults that are shown.
    Select the Style tab now.
    01:06  From the Style tab you can choose from two different variations as well as change the color of the pulldown menus.

    For this example, Select the dark blue color option.
    01:09  Select the FX tab.
    01:12  From the FX tab you can set your question to appear with an Entrance Effect, set the direction that the effect occurs as well as add a scrolling effect.

    Note: Scrolling effects allow the question to appear when scrolled into view and exit with an effect when scrolling out of view.

    You can open the Build Your Question modal to edit the content of your question at anytime by either double-clicking the question element or by selecting the element and clicking the pencil icon from the element quick tools.
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