00:00  Select Share
    00:04  Select Convey Dynamic Publishing for LMS/LRS/LXP

    Select the Standard: drop down list

    00:12  You can choose from various SCORM options plus CMI5, xAPI, AICC and Web package.
    For this example select SCORM 2004 (4th edition).
    00:16  You can also alter any other settings available. 

    One recomended best practice is to give the published package a Label so you know what its purpose is. The is especially important of you will ave more than one published package.

    Select the Label field and we'll add a sample Label for this example.   

    00:20  When you've completed your settings, select Publish.
    00:24  The SCORM 2004 packge will be published and sent to the Convey site. A small-file-size SCORM stub package will be crteated for you to load into your LMS.

    You can use the download package option to download the SCORM stub package to your local computer, to then upload into your LMS using the same steps you would use for uploading a full SCORM package.

    Select Close when you are finished downloading. 

    00:28  On the publish card you can select the Publish Options button to access a menu of options.

    Select the Publish Options button

    00:32  From left to right, you can: 
    • Delete the published package (which will also delete it from the Convey site)
    • Edit the package information
    • Republish the package (which automatically sends the updated package to Convey) , or
    • Download the package again
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